Zenaeca Singh ‘Homescape’ 2022 280 x 300cm Wood, cement and cretestone R8000


The Leeuwenhof Slave Quarters

Remembrance Gallery 4th Iteration

Open every first Saturday of the month until 30 August 2023

We invite you to join us every first Saturday of the month for “Greatest Hits” at the The Leeuwenhof Slave Quarters Remembrance Gallery curated by the AVA.

The Slave Quarters at the Premier of the Western Cape’s residence have been reimagined and transformed into an art gallery and site of remembrance, as visitors are invited to pay tribute to the many people who once worked and lived there, enslaved. The Association for Visual Arts was mandated to curate and manage five exhibitions of contemporary art to activate, visually, the research undertaken and showcased by the Cape Town Museum on the history of slavery-with an emphasis on people enslaved at Leeuwenhof Estate. This is a project of the Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport.

Since 2008 the Association for Visual Arts has been curating and hosting a fixed-anchor exhibition called ‘Greatest Hits’ - the only exhibition on the calendar curated by the AVA gallery director, and this year by its two Co-Directors, Richard Kilpert and Mirjam Asmal.

Greatest Hits has emerged as a means of closing the chasm that exists for art students between tertiary education and professional exhibition exposure, and it serves as a launch pad of new talent for AVA audiences, and the commercial art circuit, too.

In this exhibition the curator’s eye is on art, instead of the academic’s, selecting works on grounds of individual value and rapport with other selected works. The end result is an exhibition that offers an overview of the local and broader discourses that run through art schools in the Western Cape at this moment in time.

AVA’s Greatest Hits alumni include Igshaan Adams, Gerald Machona, Sethembile Msezane, Haroon Gunn-Salie, Mohau Modisakeng, Rowan Smith, and Johno Mellish.

Entrance is free, but bookings are essential :

Please note that all visitors must book in advance by providing the names and ID numbers of everyone in the group. We need this information by 4 pm on Thursday as it must still be submitted to SAPS for screening.

(send your name and ID)

Leeuwenhof Hof street, Gardens, Cape Town, 8001

Stefan Naude